Mental Health & Wellness Champions

If you're selling or marketing corporate wellness or mental health solutions, understanding which companies already invest in this area can be crucial. There's a number of ways you can do this via Honch, as well as uncovering every HR decision-maker involved in purchasing solutions.

Each year, we publish 2 Honch Lists to our platform that profile companies that have specific members of their HR teams with either a mental health or wellbeing remit. This morning we published our latest lists for 2024:

Mental Health Champions 2024:

This list profiles companies in the UK that currently employ mental health first aiders, champions and other dedicated specialist positions in this area.

Wellbeing Champions 2024:

A list of the companies that employ specialist positions in the areas of employee wellbeing and wellness.

For many companies though, these responsibilities fall under HR generalists with a wider remit, or perhaps those who focus on culture or employee engagement initiatives.

7,000 Companies Discussing Mental Health & Wellbeing Initiatives:

Our social listening uncovers companies that are openly discussing wellness and mental health initiatives too, just like these:


"We have tailored support and benefits for each of our employee locations, but here are some of the ways we help our Birmingham-based employees manage their stress at work: Mental Health First Aiders in every department, Gymshark Lifting Club membership,  Refuel - healthy fresh food every day for lunch at GSHQ, 24/7 guidance and support from medical and legal professionals"


"Last year we launched a Mental Health program to tackle job-related psychosocial risks, in the same way we approach other professional risks. Our goal is to provide all our employees with an environment that protects them from both physical and mental health-related risks"


"loved seeing the successful Wellbeing Roadshow idea taken to another location and what an outstanding job they did.Such a great opportunity to share all the great stuff we are doing at Britvic and all the amazing benefits we have to offer our employees."

Our platform of HR buyers not only allows you to uncover companies investing in these solutions but provides data on over 330,000 UK decision-makers and key influencers across their HR teams.

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